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Happy New Year and good luck ! 

happy holidays!


Happy Holidays ! Hope you're doing well.

pre-ordered. looking forward to it :)


How close is it?


cant wait for this


I hope you're doing well !


ey how u doin


can we get a quarterly "developer is ok" post


We look forward to seeing this project reach its' zenith.

Good luck. We're rooting for you.


rtu izts rtu when rtu hits

Oh, when will my dearest radio return from the universe...

The longer we wait the better it gets (cant wait doe) 😅


hi! I've been waiting for this game since 2020 haha, is the release on the way? I really want to play it


Happy new year!


Looks great! Is this game still being developed?


Hey, tester here.
Yeah, Sixe is still working on it steadily, sometimes even sharing some sneak peeks to us testers.


That's great.  Game looks very nice!

That's great.  Game looks very nice!

eyes emoji intensifies

Deleted post

scary season's greetings!! ready for an uncanny game with mean robots :o


fucking excited for whenever this comes out

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(1 edit) (+4)

Good luck 6e, hoping that everything is going alright for you. The game looks amazing and am super excited to play when its out.


I've never closed this tab in the itch app. It reminds me to check on it from time to time :)


It looks great, every snapshot is beautiful. I'm looking forward to it.


Keep on keeping on. 


Hey man, dunno if you'll ever see this but if so know that you're doing a great job! I don't want you to sacrifice your health and wellbeing for the sake of rushing the game out. Life is more important than deadlines, and things rarely ever go according to plan. We can see the love and passion you've poured into this over the years. We will continue to patiently wait and root for you every day!


I don't care if I have to cross the war-torn post-collapse area where the creator lives to find the completed builds of this game 20 years from now, I'm still rooting for them

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no game...


every day I wake up and I open-palm slam a refresh button. its the radio the universe store page and right then and there I start doing the moves alongside the main character


This looks so absurdly cool and like an absolute must-play. Inspired (and reminding me of too many cool things to name) and definitely its own thing at the same time. "Serial Experiments: L  i  N  K" vibes :)


cheering quietly for sixe

u can do it


It's Winter 2020. What a year it's been. Happy Holidays to all. As for me, I'm still waiting for Santa to deliver my present. And by present, I mean this beautiful looking game. :)


i have never been as patient as with this game. i am waiting for it since i first laid eyes on some clips and screenshots and i will wait until its done and if i have to go into crypostasis or whatever. 


this game is so alluring to me. the graphics and aesthetic are so beautifully developed and complex and "real" in spite of being pixel art. the sound effects are incredible and detailed. the whole atmosphere is so thick you could cut through it with a knife but the knife would get stuck halfways. the sheer mystery of everything that is shown on screen and whatever the plot is about is so compelling.
and the trailer... the trailer is beautiful, the synchronization with the music, that beginning cutscene, and the music itself, they all join and complement each other, but damn especially the music, that is something else.

i actually read BLAME! after finding out about this game (when the trailer came out), having seen it mentioned by people saying it seemed inspired by it (knew the manga, but procrastinated on reading it indefinitely, although i knew some plot details and had watched the shitty movie), and now the prospect of this game makes me even more thrilled, getting to feel that loneliness and vastness and darkness in something that you can play, rather than just look at pictures of.

i firmly believe that, if this game turns out to be as amazing as it seems to be, it might cause another revolution in indie games, set new standards, raise bars. or it might end up as a legendary cult game with a relatively small hardcore fanbase if unlucky.

i cant wait to see the product of having developed a game for (probably) a few years, then funding it with a kickstarter and developing it for 8 more years.

This game looks amazing! I cant wait for it to come out! Good Job! 

Is there a way I can find out more about the pixel 2.0 engine being used for this?


I'm only one of the playtesters, not the developer, so don't quote me on this, but I believe it refers to the lighting/shading/rendering engine sixe created (I think), which plugs into gamemaker. One of the features on the steam page says "A novel pixel art style, rendered by the atmospheric PIXEL2.0 engine." For example if you do a google search for "gamemaker rendering engine" you'll find various results where people have created 3D engines, shading/lighting engines, etc for gamemaker - it's like that. There's also some points in the game with pseudo-3D effects (like the moth in the screenshots here on itch, it looks really damn good in motion) - I'm not sure if that's considered to be part of it though.

Wow, this looks fantastic. Will be looking out for this.


Steam page shows up recently, hope "release date" trailer is coming soon.

Deleted 3 years ago

I've been obsessed with this game for years now. Do you have any upcoming dates not on the game's release, but on possible trailers/more gameplay reveals on your twitter?


Hi, beta tester here, it appears Sixe has gone largely radio silent apart from the occasional tweet. Personally I think it's because he's trying very hard to get the game ready for the planned mid-2020 release window, but I'm not Sixe so take my theories with a grain of salt.


ok sixe

Deleted 4 years ago
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